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August 26, 2003 - 2:24 p.m.

Funny Kids

The kids, ever since attending camp, have been prone to spontaneously bursting into song together lately. It's like living a very disjointed musical sung in no particular key with only one dynamic level: fortisimo! Right now they are singing my personal favorite, "We're a beach party from a 60s movie", which features lots of pantomiming of things like surfing and hopping on hot sand as well as exagerrated flexing. Silly, but pretty fun to watch, at least the first 17 times. ;)

This morning I had one of those crazy conversations that kids get you into. For some reason, M asked how you get chicken pox.

"From someone who already has chicken pox." I reply

"How did the first person get chicken pox?" pipes up H.

"Hmmm... I suppose they probably got it from an animal."

H, of course, could not stop there, "How did the first animal get it?"

Stifling the urge to shout that I am not an epidemiologist, I ventured, "I guess it must have caught the germs from something."

Luckily that satisfied her, and I was spared a long discussion of mutation and evolution. At least for today. :)

Note to self: add the phrase, "I don't know; why don't you look it up?" to vocabulary.

today's project: mini-golf

musing about: which came first the chicken pox or the egg pox?

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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