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August 27, 2003 - 5:15 p.m.

How Are We Busy? Let Me Count The Ways!

1. Left the house before 9AM to take the kids for haircuts. The early time worked in our favor, since we were the only ones there. Each of the kids had his/her own stylist, so we were out of there in no time!

2. Stopped in at Starbucks for a frappuchino (for me! These children need no extra pep. Of that I can assure you!)

3. Bought school supplies and craft supplies.

4. Spent a bit over half an hour at the playground before #5.

5. Went to H's orthodontist for check of braces. For once, she made it between regularly sceduled visits without a broken wire!

6. Home for lunch and a quick tutorial on the lanyard box stitch, a camp craft that the girls are obsessed with.

7. Open House at B's preschool. He was adorably excited to see his old friends and teacher, and took great pride in showing me the various Montessori materials to me and his sisters. What a change from last year!

8. Quick trip to the pool with neighborhood friends. Got to watch B go off the diving board for the first time, though he has supposedly done it with his parents.

9. Home again in time for a snack and piano lessons. M is rebelling about them again, but I hope it is just because she's out of practice and hasn't gotten a new song to learn since early summer.

10. Stole a moment for this update. B is requesting a game of Hi Ho Cherrio. Since he's been very well-behaved today, I feel I cannot refuse. :)

We have been so old-fashioned the past couple of weeks! On top of lanyard making, the girls have been knitting! We've played outside a lot and been swimming at the pond. The kids helped me make homemade sorbet yesterday in between sessions of building houses with couch cushions. It's refreshing in this age of Nintendo, DVDs, and web surfing, to see kids enjoying the same summer activities I enjoyed as a kid.

today's project: errands and appointments

musing about: vegging after a trip to the gym tonight

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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