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August 25, 2003 - 10:57 a.m.

Too Young

I read the diary of a woman whose son has been struggling with an agressive brain tumor for many months. Nolan was eight or nine, I believe, and passed away yesterday. I don't really know him or his mom, but I have been following their lives, as portrayed in her journal, for long enough that he death is heartwrenching.

Still, he no longer needs to suffer pain or the frustration of being basically immobile. Throughout their ordeal, I have marveled at his mom's strength and her ability to keep her positive attitude. She was realistic enough to admit that Nolan could lose his battle any time, but optimistic enough to hope that he would one day win. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to watch your child die. My heart goes out to Nolan's family right now.

Everyone hug your loved ones a little closer today. And live your life as fully as possible, because you never know what life has in store for you.

For those inclined, please say a prayer for Nolan's family.

today's project: supervising the kids cleaning out their closets and toy boxes

musing about: these kids are actually bigger packrats than I am!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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