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August 19, 2003 - 2:15 p.m.

FONT SIZE ="+1">Best Outing of the Summer

With Sam's help, I welcomed the kids back into my full-time care, now that camp is over, with a bang! Way back in the spring, Sam concocted the idea of the two of us taking the kids to Six Flags to enjoy the waterslides. Since he was coming up for the wedding in New Hampshire anyway, and the kids would be done with camp, we decided yesterday would be a good time to go. Despite the fact that he now has to drive 12 hours to Virginia today and start his second year of law school tomorrow at 8:40AM. Crazy, but it was his idea, so I didn't argue too much.

We had a great time at the park! The kids love swimming and water fun, so they were excited as soon as they saw all the slides and play areas and such. They were even great during the car trip there (almost 2 hours thanks to traffic) and the modest lines we encountered for the rides. We played word games in the car, clapping games in line, cracked jokes, and generally goofed around to keep everyone entertained. B refused to leave Sam's side for pretty much the entire day, which was expected, but still pretty cute. It was a perfect day with great weather, manageable crowds, and great attitudes! It was a bit of a relief, since I was not sure how the kids would handle such a big amusement park, especially waiting in line and being nervous about some of the rides. As it turned out, everything went as well as could be expected. The kids got along great, loved all but one of the rides, and were very good about staying close and following our directions. Sam is great with the kids - just the right combination of humor and guidance - and they really liked spending the day with him.

It was a tiring day in and of itself, though, and neither of us got anywhere near enough sleep this weekend. We were totally wiped out by the end of our time at Six Flags. We got home around 7, then Sam and I went out for Chinese food, and were in bed before 9:30. I am still tired today, so it's been pretty low key around here. The kids spent an old-fashioned morning playing outside making fairy houses and trying to catch dragonflies while I read and played fetch with the dog. We also made some homemade chalk with plaster of paris, but I am not sure how well it will turn out. The plaster hardened a good bit faster than I expected, which made it difficult to get into the toilet paper tubes we were using as molds. Still, the kids enjoyed it, so it was probably worthwhile even if we only end up with crumbly lumps of colored plaster to show for it! This afternoon the kids have been watercoloring and building with blocks. Despite my fatigue, I even managed to keep my temper in check when I discovered that H had splatter painted her paper along with most of the kitchen table and much of the floor! Luckily watercolor paint cleans up very easily.

Stay tuned, because either tonight or tomorrow morning I will have much to say about the weekend. That will include the details of my drunken antics at the bachelorette party as well as the gorgeous wedding.

For now I leave you with an insightful comment B made in the car yesterday while we were discussing what the children would like to be when they grow up: "When sisters get big and be vets, they get very powerful." So watch out for all those sister vets out there! :)

today's project: staying awake and agreeable.

musing about: whether it is just too embarassing to go to bed before 9PM.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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