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August 14, 2003 - 1:33 p.m.

Eminent Festivities

The weekend is almost here, and I am excited! Sam is already here, so I am, of course, thrilled to be spending time with him. For five whole days, in fact! After I pick up the kids from camp this afternoon, I have just over two and a half hours of work left in my week, which is just lovely, because it leave me an Sam an entire day to do whatever we wish with tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be great, too, for a change.

Tomorrow night I go to the bachelorette party and he heads to the bachelor party, so we probably won't see each other until Saturday morning. The current plan is for me to pick him up at the groom's house, possibly hungover (though Sam is not a big drinker so that isn't very likely) and almost certainly asleep. Then we will drive up to New Hampshire where the wedding will be and attend the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. We're staying at a bed and breakfast up there, so we can relax Saturday night and Sunday morning until it is time to get ready for the wedding, which is Sunday afternoon.

This wedding should be loads of fun. A lot of great people will be there, many of whom I haven't seen in a long time. I found a cute dress, Sam will be in a tux, there will be good food, booze, and music - what more could I ask for? I am also really excited for the bride and groom, and I am sure the wedding and reception will be lovely.

Provided the bride doesn't lose her mind due to some last minute glitch. I've heard she has been a bit high strung about the wedding. I am finding myself glad that I am closer to the groom and will be hanging out with him and the groomsmen before the ceremony. They will probably all be drinking Mountain Dew and making all kinds of salacious jokes and generally having a good time. Meanwhile, whose with the bride will probably be running around looking for something borrowed or something blue, giving conflicting advice about how best to avoid tears and making mascara run, and trying to smile while their custom dyed shoes pinch their toes. Yeah, I am going to live it up with the groomsmen! :)

Don't worry, I will get my fair share of wedding attendant stress when I am a bridesmaid in January. This weekend, though, I am going to have a ball! Maybe I will even be able to conince Sam to dance with me.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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