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August 12, 2003 - 1:24 p.m.

Direction Sense

Yesterday I had to get to a bridal shop to try on the bridesmaid dress I will be wearing for a friend's wedding in January so she will know what size to order. After discovering that the store a few minutes from my house didn't carry the dress, I had to drive into Boston to another store. Yes, I, the very cowardly driver, drove into Boston, land of few street signs, fewer straight streets, many detours, and almost no drivers with any sanity whatsoever. Not only did I survive the ordeal - without flipping anyone off even! - but I managed to get there with no map and only a vague idea how to get where I was going via car (I had previously only been to this section of Boston on public transportation)! I am so proud of myself for using only the sporadic signage and my sense of direction to get me there without getting lost or asking for directions at all! Take that all you people who claim women have no direction sense!

With the kids in camp all day until the end of this week, that is likely to be the biggest adventure of my week. :) Luckily, Sam will be here sometime tomorrow night, which will certainly alleviate my boredom. I am trying to decide whether to drag him to the beach, berry picking, mini-golfing, or some other fun and frivolous summer pastime. Hopefully we will make it to a waterpark at some point during his visit. We'd like to take the kids on Monday, but the parental units are still out to lunch on whether or not they approve of that idea.

For now, though, it is time for me to go continue to lead the country club mom lifestyle. The children are happily enconced at camp so I can go sit by the pool and sip lemonade. I figure I deserve an afternoon of lounging, since I am sore from weightlifting yesterday and still did a 45 minute workout this morning. I am wiped and there is a lounge chair with my name written on it!

today's project: muscle recovery

musing about: seeing Sam :)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005