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August 09, 2003 - 12:46 p.m.


Ouch! I dragged my reluctant self to the gym yesterday for an hour-long step aerobics class. I actually enjoyed the class, except for the heat in the room. I was drenched by the end, which I found distinctly unpleasant. Classes are really good for me. My competitive nature keeps me from slacking with all those hard core suburban moms around me, and the choreography keeps my mind occupied with something other than how much I would rather be sitting on my tush, reading, and eating bon bons. :) Then I stayed for the abdominal exercises and stretching after the class. That means I had a 90 minute workout yesterday. Go me! However, my muscles are complaining today. Especially my calves, which haven't been subjected to a step class in about six months, and my abs, which are pathetically weak and screamed through every crunch and bicycle.

Then when I got home yesterday, I managed to snag my foot on a nail on one fo the tacking strips left when workers ripped up the hall carpet ruined in the septic flood a couple weeks ago. Yow! And just that morning I had commented to my boss about how I kept snagging my slippers on the nails. For once, though, I am grateful I have very callused feet, since otherwise the resulting cut would have been much worse. Needless to say, now I am absurdly cautious when walking over the tacking strips!

Sadly today my friend Millie is moving away. We went out for dessert last night at a fabulous, just desserts, restaurant called Finale. Sooooooo yummy. This morning a few of us met for brunch at a scrumptious little diner style place, and this afternoon in about half an hour I will be driving her to the airport. We're all very sad to see her go, but excited that she is moving on to bigger, better things. She is moving to California to take some classes and work to save money so she can spend a semester on an Outward Bound trip. She'll also be closer to much of her family and many friends, so ultimately the move is a really good thing for her. Still, goodbyes are always hard, so it is a very bittersweet day.

today's project: farewell Millie!

musing about: what sort of workout I can coerce my body into today.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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