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August 06, 2003 - 7:33 p.m.

At Last!

We finally got a sunny day! I think the forecast was the same as for the rest of the week, but the day turned out gorgeous! A few dark clouds passed overhead, but not a single raindrop fell. It was a very refreshing change!

It probably goes without saying, but I spent a good bit of time at the pool enjoying the unexpected weather. In between stints at the pool, I had a really good workout at the gym and made a yummy quesadilla for lunch. I also finished the second book of the fantasy series I am reading. I am totally hooked on the story, and I really like some of the characters, but the second book wasn't nearly as good as the first. I think the main problem may be that as the scope of the series broadens the number of key characters increases too. That leaves less room for development of the characters. Still, the very scope of the books is part of their allure. It's not The Lord of the Rings, but Martin has created an entire world and all its customs, politics, history, etc. I can certainly admire that.

FYI, Sam and I started dating three years ago today. It seems like a long time ago, but I can also vividly remember the nervousness, giddiness, and excitement of that time. While we know each other much, much better now, and some of the giddiness has worn off, I still feel so lucky to have him in my life.

today's project: importing my CD collection onto my hard drive.

musing about: why I am watching Race to the Altar....

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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