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August 07, 2003 - 7:25 p.m.

Tan Lines

My body has found another way to aggravate me - tan lines. I am pretty fair of skin and blue-eyed and blonde to boot, so I don't tan all that easily. However, spending most of the summer outside with the kids and religiously slathering on SPF 30 sunscreen has given me a slight golden color. FYI, I don't tan intentionally, but I refuse to stay out of the sun, so I just use a lot of sunscreen and hope I don't end up with skin cancer.

Anyway, I have achieved some tan lines this summer, which is fine. Except that I bought this adorable strapless dress to wear to the rehearsal dinner of my friends' upcoming wedding. The strapless design showcases the V-neck tanline on my chest a bit too much for my taste. So, I have been trying to rotate my swimsuits and move my straps out of the way in order to even out the tan, but it isn't working! For some reason my chest and stomach don't color much. Maybe if I switch to SPF 15 on the chest area it will speed up the process without risking a burn. Or maybe I should just stop being so vain and realize that probably nobody but me will really notice the tan lines.

I was feeling really lazy today on top of being sore from yesterday's hard core gym jaunt. After grocery shopping I headed to the pool. I couldn't quite bring myself to be a total lounge chair potato, though. So I came up with a great compromise. I sat on my chair and read for a while, then when I would get hot, instead of just jumping in the water to cool off and getting back out, I would swim a few laps. Then I would relax again, then swim for a bit. It felt great to get my heart pumping without worrying about lasting through a half-hour or more workout. It wasn't a real workout, really, but it certainly burned more calories than sitting on my rump all day.

today's project: operation not totally lazy

musing about: why I have suddenly developed an insatiable appetite for hummus...

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