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August 05, 2003 - 7:45 p.m.

Camp Days

The kids are loving camp. I am not terribly surprised, but B has never been any organized program longer than about 3 hours before, so I wasn't entirely sure how it would go. Yesterday he leapt into the van when I picked him up shouting, "I want to go back. I want to go back!" Then he and the girls proceeded to sing camp songs all the way home. It was really cute. Now, for all I know he gets tired and cranky halfway through the day and makes his counselors want to throttle him, but what I don't know can't hurt me right? Today all three got to try their hands at archery. I bet that was an amusingly pitiful scene, particularly in the rain. :)

It feels like monsoon season here. Yet again today it rained and rained, with only moments of sun in between thunderstorms. The ground is thoroughly soggy, the trees are sprouting lichen and algae like crazy, and the air smells of mold and mildew. Ick! With all the nasty weather, I am finding myself at a bit of a loss as to how to spend my empty days. I had hoped to spend a lot of time at the pool, kayaking on the river, or biking, but the rain has so far ruined those plans. Instead I have been doing a lot of reading, some TV watching, some napping, etc. It's nice, but it is already getting old. Today I was getting bored so I decided to catch an early matinee. I went to see Seabiscuit, which was excellent! I've been wanting to read the book, and the movie made me want to even more. It was such a moving story and so unlikely, that I want to find out how much of the film is accurate and how much was given a Hollywood sugar coating. Still, it was an enjoyable way to spend the time, and the movie was interestingly put together and very well acted.

Tomorrow I think I will do some long neglected scrapbooking. I ran out of steam on the remaining pages from the book I made for my employers for Christmas, and I really should finish that. I also plan to make a travel scrapbook for myself that includes the cruises and the trip to Venice with my big brother. Maybe if I finish my book tonight I will actually follow through with that plan. It seems to lure me with its siren song every free moment I have. In fact, I think I hear it singing now... :)

today's project: combatting rainy day boredom - my own for a change!

musing about: dessert - my sweet tooth is as unavoidable as the rain lately.

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flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005