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July 12, 2003 - 3:06 p.m.

Your Charming Hostess

Phew! Despite some... inconveniences... the dinner party went very well. It was a lot of hard work, and a bit of stress, but I managed to pull off a palatable meal, prettily presented, for myself and ten guests. We barely all fit around the dining room table. If I tried to fit one more chair, we would have all had to sit on the edge of our chairs and keep our arms straight to reach our plates. Luckily 11 is the max capacity of the table and 11 we were.

The biggest inconvenience was that my employers (and housemates) decided to come home a day early. Ack! I hadn't told them about the planned party, since I expected them to be still on Cape Cod and it didn't seem worthwhile calling their cell to let them know. So I got a message yesterday afternoon that they were on their way home. Being the wonderful, understanding, and accomodating people they are, they took it upon themselves to take the kids out to dinner and a movie and leave me and my guests free of wee interlopers and the awkwardness of two extra grown-ups around and not enough food, or table space, to offer to have them join us. Crisis averted.

So, for those of you who are wondering, I will tell you what I cooked for my first grown-up, semi-formal dinner party. I made two tarts as appetizers: tomato with mozzarella and mushroom with goat cheese. After everyone had arrived and all the introductions were made, we sat down and began with the salad course: mixed greens with roasted peppers in lemon vinaigrette with parmesan crisps. The main course was served family style. We had rolled beef stuffed with garlic, herbs, and sun-dried tomatoes, shrimp sauteed with garlic and white wine, mixed bell pepper risotto, and ratatouille stuffed zucchini. There was a bit of a long lull, foodwise, between the sald and main courses, because I had to cook the shrimp and beef, but no one seemed to mind much. Of course we finished with dessert: lemon cake layered with lemon cream and raspberries and served with raspberry sauce. All in all things turned out really well. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the conversation was lively. The last guest left around 11, and I cleaned for the next hour. After the mix-up with the bosses, I didn't want to leave anything uncleaned or out of place before going to bed.

I am really glad I did it, but I can't say I will host another elaborate party anytime soon. Next time I'll make sure the family will really be away and let them know in advance of my plans. Next time I will do more cooking the day before so I have time to breathe the day of the party. Next time I will make sure I have someone to help with the dishes and clean-up - some of the guests kindly offered and I let a couple help clear the table and load the dishwasher, but it seemed ungracious to accept an offer of handwashing grimy pots and pans. No, I think next time there will be a cohost with whom I can share the work. Of course, then I will also have to share the glory, but I think I can live with that. This time, though, it was fun to pull out all the stops and impress my friends. There were some imperfections (the meat was a little tough and the risotto a touch too mushy) but all in all I count the evening a success.

Tonight I get to babysit. It's my penance for unexpectedly robbing my employers of the chance to relax and settle back into their own home last night. :) And I promised the kids they could visit with Percy.

Until then I think I shall go out and read my book in the sunshine. I am reading A Game of Thrones, a fantasy novel by George R. R. Martin. Sam recommended it, and I am very glad he did. I can hardly put it down.

Maybe I will partake of some leftover dessert on my way outside. :)

today's project: reading and no cooking!

musing about: what to do tomorrow - I don't want to waste my final day of vacation!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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