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July 10, 2003 - 10:26 a.m.

Welcome Home!

Well, I am home! I actually got in last night, but it was late and I was tired to I didn't even unpack my laptop and check my email, much less consider updating! And you'll have to wait for a thorough update, since I will be pretty busy today preparing for the little dinner party I am hosting tomorrow evening. I need to finalize the menu, shop, and do whatever cooking and prepping I can ahead of time. I also have to pick up Percy from my brother's place.

Last night when I got home I had to break into my own house! I left town before R and S and the kids did, so they locked up the house. Usually they just leave the garage closed up (you need one of our openers or the code for the outside key pad to get in) and the interior garage door unlocked. One of the garage door openers hasn't been working, though, so they left that door unlatched, which led them to decide to lock the interior door. Problem was, my house key was given to the contractors who did the work on our kitchen a few months ago and was never returned, so I was locked out. Not a happy discovery. Luckily, it was easy to find another way in. My window's lock is broken, so I just had to pry off the screen and open the window and climb in. Crisis averted.

Anyway, the day is already trickling away and I have lots to do, so I must go. Soon, I promise, I will write all about my Caribbean adventures. For now, suffice to say it was a truly wonderful vacation!

today's project: recipe research, preliminary cooking, and unpacking, oh my!

musing about: whether the pictures from my underwater camera will turn out.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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