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July 03, 2003 - 4:17 p.m.

Cruise Update

So far, the cruise has been absolutely fabulous! Sam and I are having a fantastic time soaking up the sun (such great weather!), eating way too much (diet challenge finally over!), and seeing amazing sights (can I move to the Caribbean?). Best of all, we got to swim with real, live, wild sea turtles yesterday! We got so close we could almost touch them! It hardly seemed real. And so far neither of us has gotten sunburned or seasick. We've gotten to watch some really silly drunk people, though. :)

I hope you all have a lovely 4th of July. Me, I'll be spending it stuffing myself on free food, kayaking in turquoise waters, and swimming with colorful marine life. But you're not at all jealous are you?

today's project: an unscheduled day of reading and sunning

musing about: how to stowaway so I don't have to go home...

Twitter away!

Natalie - 2003-07-03 22:01:09
You suck. ;-)

flutter back - fly ahead

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