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June 27, 2003 - 7:23 a.m.

All My Bags Are Packed

Well, mostly packed. I still have the last few things to put in, like my cell phone which is charging, and my formalwear which is hanging until the last possible moment. I was up until 1AM last night packing and I am still paranoid that I have forgotten something important. Packing for a cruise is annoying to me. (Yeah, I know you all feel ever so sorry for me!) I like to pack light, but that just isn't possible when going on a cruise. I have to prepare for so many situations, from going to the gym to hanging out on the beach to formal dinners. There's also rain, chilly airplanes, and nearly equatorial sun to consider. I am pretty pleased that I managed to pack everything I need into one suitcase, a small garment bag, and my laptop case.

After ensconcing Percy at my brother's house last night I still had a couple of errands to run. Since the tumor arrived on my little hedgie, I am much more nervous about leaving him than I used to be. Oh well, hopefully Murphy's Law will be in effect and nothing will happen because I fully prepared Derek by giving him the vet's info and such.

Once I got my little, prickly pet settled at his home away from home, I made the last minute run for things like extra sunscreen, razor cartridges (have I told you how I am a total convert to the Intuition razor? I hate shaving and this gadget makes it quick and almost easy!), and allergy meds. Then I went to the bookstore and picked up some reading material. On recommendations from friends, I got Good In Bed, by Jennifer Werner, and the first of the Songs of Ice and Fire books by George R. R. Martin. So one girlie novel, and one high fantasy - suits my multi-faceted personality quite well! Especially when considered along with the book I am currently reading, Don't Lets Go To The Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood.

The reality that I am going on an exotic vacation - and spending like 10 days with Sam in the process - is finally sinking in. I think that's why, despite my late bedtime last night, I couldn't get back to sleep when I woke up before 7 this morning. Other than being exhausted that isn't such a bad thing. I need to shower, water my plants, go to the bank, and do a final check of my packing before I start my final pre-vacation hours of work at 9. Hopefully my tiredness and eagerness to get the traveling under way won't add up to irritability with the kids.

After a few days with no child care responisibilities - no backtalking, no baby talking, no temper tantrums, no chocolate milk on my shirt and marker on my pants, no sharp legos under my feet... - I think I may actually start to miss the kids. We have really had fun this week. We've done a ton, and for the most part they have been the wonderful, sweet, smart kids I know are hiding under those whiny, argumentative facades they put on sometimes. :) But after taking them to the zoo, bowling, swimming, to the playground, grocery shopping, and explaining pi, why some babies are boys and some are girls (yes in one week we have had impromptu lessons in both geometry and genetics!), and making up a recipe for homemade peanut butter cups and s'mores cups (chocolate outside, fluff and crushed graham cracker inside), I am very ready for a break!

Gotta run, time is ticking away and my to do list isn't getting shorter on its own!

today's project: not forgetting anything

musing about: blissful days of snorkeling, fine dining, and basking in the sun

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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