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June 23, 2003 - 8:51 p.m.

Not So Gory Details

First, the zoo. It was so much fun! The first really cool thing I saw was in the tropics building. In the habitat of the green tree python, the python (which happens to be one of my favorite snakes - they are just so gorgeous) was curled around a tree branch. Not at all unusual except for the big brown tree frog sitting right on top of it! I did a total double take! Better yet were the otters, Obie and Erin. Obie is new to the zoo and the two are still getting used to each other. Erin sort of paced the enclosure eyeing Obie warily as he frolicked about. Part of the side of the area is made of plexiglass, so the otters can swim right up to your feet, which Obie did repeatedly. He'd swim a couple laps, dive down under the water, and then swim up and stare at anyone watching him. He was so cute!

Then I moved on to the penguins. It was feeding time, so I got to watch the birds jockeying for position around the keeper and her bucket of fish. One little guy refused to leave her alone. They too could swim right up to the edge of their pool, only this time the water level was up to my chin. That ensured that the curious penguins were practically nose to beak with me with only a thick sheet of glass between us. I was so close I could see the individual feathers on their bodies. The same happened with the puffins. So cool.

Best of all, though, were the polar bears. The zoo has three, Gus, Ida, and Lily. I watched them for about 10 minutes and Ida played in the water the entire time. The keepers throw a bunch of toys in the water to keep the bears from getting bored. Ida seemed particularly attached to a big blue plastic bin, like one might use for curbside recycling. She chewed on it, pushed it around in the water, etc. Much of the time, though she swam around with it on her head! Once she had it on, climbed part way out of the water and then shoved the bin up off her head to splash back into the water. As with the rest of the exhibits, you could get really close to the bears, and Ida was playing so close to the viewing area that I couldn't help but think she was showing off. Then Gus came over and stole the bin from her. It was so neat to see them so playful. There were lots of friendly staff people around, which is how I know the animals names and such. It was nice to be able to ask questions and learn more about the animals than you usually get to.

Well, raving about the zoo has taken me enough time this evening, so I will save the other details for tomorrow. Good night!

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