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June 23, 2003 - 2:36 p.m.

Wet, Whilrwind, Wonderful Weekend

I have to wake B up from his nap very soon, so I cannot give you the full report on my weekend, but I will tell you it was really excellent! I'll go into more details tonight... if I can stay awake after I make myself go to the gym and run at least three miles. For now you just get the highlights.

I went to the Central Park Zoo and had perhaps the best zoo experience I have ever had, even though the place is really pretty tiny.

The wedding was gorgeous and screamed wealth and social standing (although very tastefully). Gabi looked gorgeous and happy and, thankfully, more mature than I remember her. The reception was a blast with a super band, incredible food, and lots of free booze. I got pretty tipsy and confessed to one of G old friends that I sort of had a crush on him once upon a time. I mean, I thought he'd be happy to know. We're both very happy with our serious relationships, I just wanted him to be flattered, which he was. :)

I stood in line for more than an hour in the pouring rain for discount theater tickets. I saw Thoroughly Modern Millie, and it was well worth getting wet and footsore.

I got a free brunch at a really yummy restaraunt just because the waitress misheard me (it was really noisy) and brought me a regular omelet instead of an egg-white omelet. I wasn't even at all upset about the situation. I don't think it was really the girl's fault. Nonetheless, free meal for me and the manager said I had "the patience of an angel." Needless to say, I left a big tip. :)

Gotta run, the rugrats are getting restless!

today's project: enjoying the light of the ever-elusive sun

musing about: the fact that it is now officially summer and we have yet to run the AC.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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