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May 24, 2003 - 11:09 a.m.

What To Do With A Rainy Weekend?

The weather is supposed to be gross all weekend, so we've decided not to go to Six Flags. I can live with that, since it's really not warm enough for me to be willing to risk getting drenched. But that leaves me with my weekend pretty much wide open. I am thinking of taking a short road trip to do some outlet shopping or something like that. I may also see if I can get some folks together to go bowling. If anyone else has any rainy day ideas, let me know. I have three days to fill here, people! :)

Yesterday, I went with friends to see The Matrix. The effects and choreography were undeniably cool, but I wasn't terrifically impressed with the movie overall. Parts of the plot were inexplicable to me, maybe because my memory of the first movie is a bit hazy. It was a fun evening out, though. Especially since we had dinner at a yummy steakhouse beforehand. I didn't even cave on my healthy eating plan! I did have steak, but I resisted the mashed potatoes in favor of broccoli and had a salad as well. Yum. And I smuggled some pretzels into the movie so I wouldn't feel deprived of munchies. It's not the same as buttery popcorn or chewy Twizzlers, but I think I am already starting to see some results in our little fitness challenge, so I think it is worth it.

I've decided I am obsessed (just a bit) with efficiency. I think it is something I inherited from my mom, who was a waitress for many years. It crops up in strange places in my life, though. Saving myself trips up and down the stairs is nothing special. Organizing my workspace before I cook (though I always forget something) is positively predictable. But, crazy little me, I do strange things in the name of efficiency. For instance, if I use the bathroom right before changing clothes, I won't zip my pants afterwards, since I'm just going to unzip them in a minute anyway. Sometimes, I confess, I don't even pull up my pants. I just hobble from the bathroom to the bedroom with my trousers at my ankles to save those few seconds I would otherwise spend pulling them up and then down again. I am such a nut!

today's project: TBA

musing about: how to prevent boredom on a rainy long weekend

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-05-24 19:06:01
Come down here! :) Hee hee, just kidding mostly, I know you don't want to make the drive, but you are of course welcome.

flutter back - fly ahead

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