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May 22, 2003 - 8:26 p.m.

Taking the Good With the Bad

First, the good news: Percy is just fine! I finally got a call from the vet today about the lab results of the biopsy. It turns out the lump was a benign tumor of a blood vessel. So, there really isn't anything to worry about. He'll always have the residual bump on his chin that was left after the clot was removed and the biopsy taken, but he doesn't have a terminal illness, so I think we can both live with that. You'd think I would be irritated that I spent hundreds of dollars to find out there's nothing really wrong with him. Instead, I was so happy and relieved to hear it isn't anything serious that I nearly cried after I got off the phone. Phew!

The bad news (which really isn't very bad): Clay is not the American Idol. Boo. I like Ruben, but I was a bit disappointed that Clay wasn't chosen. Still, I have no doubt he has a promising career ahead of him even without the title. Sam and I were on the phone last night while the results show was on (could they have made it any more painful? Not only was it a ridiculous two hours long, but we had to listen to Kelly Clarkson suck not once, but twice! Hearing her made me really glad I didn't watch the show at all last year!) and we were talking about just how huge the show has become. It's amazing how many websties, magazine articles, and talk show bits have been dedicated to AI. There was even a call-in show on NPR focusing on AI and talent shows in general! It was funny to hear all the brainiacs who listen to NPR calling in and commenting on a completely unintellectual pop-culture show!

The good news: I am going to karaoke night at the local bar tonight. I'll probably sing - maybe "Can't Fight the Moonlight" which I didn't get around to singing last time - and will definitely have a drink or two. Perhaps a toast to Percy's health is in order. :)

The bad news: I am not at the gym, which is where I told myself I was going after work. I just couldn't get motivated. I'm really tired today. I'll have to work extra hard tomorrow, I guess.

The good news: I am going to see The Matrix: Reloaded tomorrow, as well as having lunch with pals at The Cheesecake Factory, and will probably go to Six Flags on Sunday.

The bad news: What with movie popcorn and the allure of cheesecake at lunch, my diet is likely to go down the tubes tomorrow, and it is supposed to rain much of the weekend.

The very good news: My rededication at work has served me well. By the end of the day yesterday, I was in a much better mood, and the kids seemed to be responding better to me, too. Heck, it's no wonder really; I would have gotten cranky too if I had to spend my days with the bitchy person I had been earlier in the week!

today's project: karaoke here I come!

musing about: mudslide or Cider Jack

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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