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May 09, 2003 - 12:17 a.m.

Safety in Numbers

Please forgive any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors in this entry, as I am slightly intoxicated.

I had a fairly atypical, but absolutely awesome night tonight. First, I had dinner with the nanny crew, or most of it. We had an excellent dinner, full of double entendre and randomness. We even got to hear our waiter say "I don't have a long pickle, I only have sliced ones!" Okay, maybe you had to be there... But he didn't charge us for our drinks (sodas, folks, we weren't hitting the bottle just yet) and then offered to buy us dessert! There were four of us, and he brought us two desserts! That was pretty sweet of him. NJleft her number with the check. :)

Then we met up with some other nannies we didn't know for karaoke at a restaurant/bar about half a mile from my house. I had no idea they did karaoke there, but we had a blast! There's something about being in a place where half the people are drunk and almost nobody knows me that brings out the wild woman in me! I sang three songs, though never alone, and danced to more than half of the others! It was so much fun! I think most of the people there were staring and/or laughing at us, but we couldn't care less. I didn't go to the gym today, but I think I worked off quite a few calories making an utter fool of myself by dancing to various rap songs. :) I cannot believe this place is so close to where I live, has karaoke every week, and I didn't know it. I suspect that I will be there pretty much every Thursday night from here on in. It was so much fun!

It is way past my bedtime, and I still have plenty of cleaning to do before Sam arrives tomorrow... I'll tell you all about my free cruise sometime tomorrow. Good night!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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