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May 12, 2003 - 8:54 a.m.

I Believe I Can Fly

So, Sam got in safe and sound Friday night, and we have been thoroughly enjoying each other's company ever since. It's so good to have him here. It's different in some indescribable way from when I go visit him. This time I get to be the host, and since he's done with law school I don't have to worry about taking time away from his studies.

It's been really fun so far. Saturday morning I made him breakfast and then we hung out with the kids for a while. B was especially excited to see Sam and wouldn't leave him alone for more than a minute or two at a time. We made ourselves some lunch then spent a long time making lasagna for the party that evening. It turned out really yummy, I must say!

Before long it was time to head to my friend Sadie's cookout, where the nanny crew got to meet Sam. It was fun to hang out with them, but we couldn't stay long, since we had Smash Night to get to. Smash Night was fun, too, though more mellow than usual. We made some tasty mango margaritas, which were still not enough to get me very drunk. That's okay though. Smash Night's primary purpose isn't getting drunk but having a silly good time.

Yesterday was a big day. We had brunch with some friends (at a sports bar to avoid the Mother's Day crowds). Then I got two tattoos! Yes, me the cute and wholesome nanny. It's something I have been considering for quite a while, and with Sam here to hold my hand, I actually followed through. Since my nickname is Little Bird, I got a small blue wing on each shoulder blade. They are gorgeous! I haven't quite gotten used to the fact that they are a permanent addition to my body, but I like them. And the process was really not that painful. I was very worried about it, but it was easily tolerable, and hasn't hurt much at all since then. Yay! Maybe tomorrow I will post photos to show them off.

today's project: taking Percy to the vet

musing about: what my employers will think about my new tattoos

Twitter away!

stacy - 2003-05-12 13:40:59
Kris! Yeah for you! I'm happy to have a fellow tattoo rebel! Can't wait to see them!!! Stacy

flutter back - fly ahead

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