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April 30, 2003 - 8:20 p.m.

Please, Let It Be Josh or Trenyce!

Yeah, I am watching the American Idol elimination show. Not sure why I put myself through the misery... It's so annoying how they drag it out so much! At least this week we get to hear the "idols" sing a bit on the Wednesday show.

I am just praying that Josh or Trenyce gets voted off tonight. They are both decent singers, but they just can't cut it anymore. Neither one of them has the consistency or the versatility to look like anything other than a pitiful pretender next to Clay, Kimberly, and Ruben. I have to say that while I still favor Clay because he is so charming and there is just something spine-tingling about that boy's voice, I like Kimberly more every week. Her voice is stunningly strong and clear, she emotes like nobody's business (and it doesn't seem fake like it does with many of the AI singers), and she can sing just about anything. I adore Clay, but I am in awe of Kimberly! Once Josh and Trenyce are out of the picture, the competition will be really interesting! And if America doesn't vote off Josh and Trenyce in this week and next, I will go ballistic! Just watch me! I'll find some way to hunt down those insane people who voted for them and egg their houses or replace their CD collections with nothing but Barry Manilow or something.

Today was a pretty good day. I got my new purple shoes that I ordered from Lands End. I worked out and went to yoga. Yoga was tough this week, too. We did a lot more sustained poses as well as more difficult ones. I love the way I feel after doing yoga, though. I always stretch muscles I didn't even know were tight and come out feeling taller, leaner, and much more mellow. I am usually a speedwalker pretty much all of the time, but right after yoga I can't help but take my time. I saunter. :)

This afternoon the weather continued to be gorgeous (it's been nice for four days straight; what do you want to bet we get an ice storm soon?) so I let the kids run wild in the yard. They played in the hammock, dug under the swingset, played fetch with the dog, and got along amazingly well. They were so good that I was able to get the laundry done and cut up veggies and canteloupe for snack in peace. I made lemonade for them, and you'd think it was nectar of the gods they were so happy! I guess it really is the little things in life!

today's project: I succeeded in getting the kids to put away their own laundry!

musing about: who dresses Ryan Seacrest?

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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