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May 01, 2003 - 11:04 p.m.

Since When?

Um, since when is making a left turn at a red light legal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? I witnessed this phenomenon twice today at the same intersection! The first time I was driving to B's school to pick him up. I was stopped behind two other cars at the red light. Car #1 stopped then made a right turn - perfectly legit. Car #2 waited a second or two and then, with the light still very much red, turned left. I was so shocked it took me a second to move once the light did turn green. So, I picked up B and we were headed home. I reached the same intersection and was about to turn left onto the road where I had witnessed the flagrant violation of one of the most fundamental traffic laws in existence just 15 minutes before. The light was green so I proceeded into the intersection to make my turn. Imagine my surprise when an SUV, which had been stopped, began it's own left turn onto the road I was on right in front of me! I looked up at the light to verify that it was in fact green (it was) after I had to precipitously slow down to avoid broadsiding the moronic driver. She only then turned to look at me, but proceeded with her turn at which point I honked rather lengthily and angrily at her. What the hell?! How can people be so dumb? Maybe both drivers were colorblind... but then why would they have both stopped before turning? It's not as though the lights are hard to see at that intersection; it's a small intersection with signals on each corner and overhead! I suspect that these people just think that the rules don't apply to them, and people like that piss me off!

Speaking of people that piss me off... (nice segway, huh?) can someone please tell me how the heck Ruben ended up in the bottom tier of vote-getters for American Idol this week? That means that Josh got more votes than Ruben. Ruben can sing the Marine issue pants off of Josh, for heaven's sake! Thank God it was Trenyce who got the boot! Of course, the comforting thing is that at this point in the competition, no matter how soon they get voted off, I am pretty confident that my faves will get recording contracts one way or another. Still, I was beginning to have faith in the American masses up to this point. I have agreed with most of their decisions up to this point, though Kimberly Locke was in the bottom tier way too often. Ah well, that's what I get for thinking that the public, especially those likely to be calling in votes for American Idol, is intelligent or has good taste. Of course, I suppose that I really shouldn't complain as I haven't bothered to vote myself. Maybe after this week's travesty I will!

Tonight I got to go see my friend Stacy in the play "The Nerd". It was an extremely funny play! We laughed often and loudly. I was really glad for the Thursday evening performance, since it allowed me to see her show even though I am leaving tomorrow for the weekend. Stacy was definitely one of the better actors in the show. She's one of my nanny friends, and it was great to see a different side of her. As always when I see a theatrical performance, though, it made me miss being in shows myself. I really wish things were working out better for me on the community theater front. Ah well, maybe something will crop up soon that I actually have a shot at getting a part in!

Well, I have to get up early to get to the airport, so I'd best check my suitcase and head to bed. I can't wait to get to Tennessee to see my parents, my brother and sister-in-law, and all the pets. My folks have a new dog, an Australian Shepard, who is really cute, and I cannot wait to meet her. I also always look forward to seeing our neurotic, old dog, Freckles. This is the dog who got revenge on me for abandoning him in favor of college by chewing just the eyes off of all my teddy bears. It was as though he didn't want to (or dare) really tick me off by destroying the bears (I collected them at the time) he just wanted to show that he could be cruel too! I'll keep everyone posted on how disgustingly sweet all the good Southern girls are and how much they brag about their clothes, husbands, houses, and children. I bet the rest of us will have a blast in our own little corner laughing at them and reveling in our own accomplishments.

today's project: final packing check

musing about: all the cleaning I have to do after my trip to get ready for Sam's visit...

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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