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April 29, 2003 - 7:30 p.m.

More To Love

Let me open with an amusing tidbit from my day. B was telling me about his morning at school and informed me that he told his classmate that she had to kiss him before she could go to the bathroom (she complied)! That child is such a playboy in training!

Today was not a good body image day. It was supposed to be really warm, so I dragged out my shorts this morning only to discover that my newer shorts (bought last year to fit the somewhat slimmer me) were too snug for comfort. They technically fit, but not well. Grrr. Then I went to the gym, and the scale, ever-so-rudely, informed me that I have gained a couple pounds since about a week and a half ago. I guess all that ice cream I was eating when it was all my throat could stand plumped me up a bit. I am sure that all the lounging on the couch I did, also when I was sick, didn't help either. Sigh. I wasn't entirely sedentary last week; I took the kids bowling, after all! Okay, you're right, bowling doesn't count... If it did, your average member of the bowling league would look more like an athlete and less like a giant pillow.

This relative plumpness could not come at a much worse time. Next week Sam is coming to visit, and while he is far from being a critical boyfriend (in fact he has an incredible ability to make me feel utterly content with myself), I would like to not be bursting my clothing at the seams when we go out for our romantic dinner. What concerns me even more, even though I admit that it is silly and superficial to worry about it, is that this weekend I am attending my 10 year high school reunion. I was kind of hoping to look my best, so as to impress all the catty, rich girls I went to high school with who thought I was just a frumpy, little nerd. I can't bring my handsome, buff boyfriend, so I was hoping to make an impression on the basis of my looks and toned bod. Maybe I still will, just not as much so.

The reunion should be... interesting. I wasn't friends with many of the girls (I went to a snotty, private, all girls school called Girls Preparatory School) in my graduating class. I only keep in touch with one, my best friend Bafley. Not all of the girls were arrogant, prissy, and rich, but many were. There are a few I am looking forward to seeing, and I am curious how many ended up getting married and being good Southern wives despite the "you can do anything" mentality preached at the school. Mostly it will be a good excuse to see my family, satisfy my curiosity about how the school has changed since I attended, and hang out with Bafley and her adorable son, Jamie. (I hear he's been practicing saying my name in preparation for seeing me :) I also can't wait to see how many of the girls who so despised me during our high school years will come up and tell me how good it is to see me! Ah, Southern charm at work.

In other news, last week I got the invitation to the first of the two weddings I will attend this summer. My friend, Gabriela, is getting hitched in Manhattan. I met her in college when I was a senior and she was a freshman. I thought of her very much as a surrogate little sister, so it is a bit weird to be thinking of her getting married in the first place. Hers will be the first black tie wedding I have ever attended. My boss claims you can wear black to a black tie wedding; is that true? I have a great formal dress that is mostly black that I would love to have another excuse to wear. Anyway, the reception will be at the posh New York Palace Hotel. The invitation in itself was a bit of a shock. It was HUGE. Like 9x6! And, while they are very simple, all the lettering is engraved and the borders are embossed, even on the reply card. Yet, despite the fact that those invites probably cost a small fortune, I don't get to bring a guest! My first black tie event, and I can't even share it with my boyfriend! Poo! It gets even better, though. Gabi and I have a mutual friend who also happens to be a mutual ex as well, and he isn't invited because her fiancee isn't comfortable having any of her exes there! Oy!

Well American Idol is on and after that I have to decide between Manor House and new episodes of Changing Rooms. Tuesday is turning into an excellent television night. :)

today's project: alternately rooting for Clay and the Red Sox

musing about: whether anyone will actually want to visit any of those links I included

Twitter away!

The Ex - 2003-04-30 00:48:54
The ex will be attending the wedding anyway, even if Captain Controlling doesn't want him at the reception.

I would like to point out a few things, though.

  1. Gabriela and I dated for a total of about a month, and hated each other.
  2. That was 7 years ago
  3. Gabriela called me literally the day after she got engaged to tell me the exciting news
  4. And I met the guy and had the two of them over to my apartment, and we had a nice chat!
I really don't know what this guy's problem is, but jealousy is really a bad sign, especially rearing its head this early.

flutter back - fly ahead

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