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April 25, 2003 - 10:20 p.m.

Good Day, Good Movie

Finally we got some sunshine in scenic but gloomy Eastern Massachusetts! It was a gorgeous day, and it started off pleasantly for me and only got better. I got to sleep in a bit before relieving Susan from parenting duties for an hour or so while she went for a run. Since the weather was so nice, the kids and I headed outside.

Afterwards I did some laundry and vegged a bit. I even took a little catnap. How I continure to need so much sleep is beyond me! Finally I got myself motivated to go to the gym and worked out on the elliptical trainer for 45 minutes. Go me! I rewarded myself for my exertion by going to see Bend It Like Beckham... What, you were expecting The Real Cancun?!

Seriously, though. Beckham was a fabulous movie! It was unique, which is something I find harder and harder to say about movies. And it was laugh out loud funny. Granted it had a simple message and an overly simplistic solution to the conflict central to the plot, but it was still an excellent movie. So, go see it!

Well, I have to go fold some laundry before I hit the sack!

In two weeks Sam will be here!

today's project:gaining a healthy respect for soccer players

musing about:the various options for how to spend my weekend

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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