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April 26, 2003 - 10:20 a.m.

Singin' in the Rain

I had another weird dream last night. I dreamt that I became a contestant for American Idol. The backstory to the dream was that I had been hanging out with all the Idols during the course of the show. I had even auditioned during a last chance opportunity right before they began taping episodes and was rejected. For some reason, I was still around while the rest of the singers kept competing. Then, in the dream itself, under circumstances that are not clear to me now that I am awake, Simon heard me sing, and decided that I should be on the show after all, even though the field had already been narrowed down to five. Oddly, the other contestants (who I don't recall resembling the actual ones from the show) didn't seem to mind. I get the impression that I had been their mascot or cheerleader or something up to this point, so they were all psyched for me or something. The rest of the dream consisted of starstruck and amazed me rehearsing and preparing for the upcoming broadcast with the other singers, though the dream didn't include any being onstage on my own or singing in front of the TV studio audience. Weird. What was also weird was that the only actual American Idol personality that I could recognize in the dream was Simon. No Clay, no Paula, no Ruben, no Randy. And we were rehearsing in what looked more like a small town theater than a Hollywood television complex. My brain works in mysterious ways!

In other singing related news, I have finally found more community theater auditions coming up. Unfortunately, the performance dates all land in my vacation. See, the Lynches always go on vacation for the first two weeks of July, which means that's when I have to take my summer vacation, too. These productions, including My Fair Lady and Oklahoma, go up around the 10th of July, meaning that at least a week prior to that we'd be in dress rehearsals and I would HAVE to be in town. Grrrr. These are shows that would be ideal if it weren't for the timing. They are being produced by theater companies that are nearby and therefore convenient for evening rehearsals. Both shows plan to have pretty sizable choruses, which greatly increases my chances of getting in. Alas, I don't think I am willing to give up my vacation even though I don't have any specific plans yet. That time is the perfect opportunity for me to spend some quality time with Sam, rather than trying to pack as much as we can into a weekend like we have been for almost a year. I am very disappointed, though. I just hope there will be good shows coming up after these midsummer productions.

And it's back to the rainy gloomy weather to which I am growing sadly accustomed. I think the antidote to all that is getting my adrenaline flowing on the way up a climbing wall at the Boston Rock Gym. I got the climbing bug when I tried out the wall on the cruise ship I was on a year and a half ago, and I have been meaning to check out this place ever since. Should be fun!

today's project: rock climbing - yippee!

musing about: where I got my terrible theater karma

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