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April 14, 2003 - 11:18 a.m.

I Can Be Productive Too!

Yesterday was a nice day. I went to church in the morning, and then got started on some desperately needed spring cleaning. Really it was more like spring sorting and organizing, but I figured I should clear the room of the mounds of clutter, mail, clean and dirty laundry and the like before attempting to dust and vacuum.

I think I filed about a years worth of credit card and bank statements, threw out piles of magazines, sorted through books and CDs to get rid of some. I posted a bunch of things on Swappingtons and I am hoping to generate some points so that I can actually put in some offers on some items.

It was a lovely sunny afternoon, so I took a break to go to a nearby duck pond. I fed the geese, mallards, and such for a bit, then got ice cream on the way home. A pleasant reprieve from the drudgery of sorting, filing, and chucking. I also did two huge loads of laundry and even put them away! I am notorious for folding clean laundry and then leaving it out where the cat invariably sits on it (leaving behind loads of orange and white hairs) or knocks it over onto the floor.

I still need to tidy the scrapbooking supplies and other junk on my table, ort through many months accumulation of bath and beauty products, and put up the shelves I bought months ago to aid in the reorganization process. I just have too much stuff for the amount of living space I am allotted! I am trying to get rid of some of it, but I am a packrat by nature, so it is a losing battle most of the time.

Today, after getting the children off to school, I went to the gym for a good workout on the elliptical trainer and some weight work. The scale gave me some serious motivation, I must say. Ugh. Then I went to get copies of my tax return made so that I could mail it off. I feel I have accomplished quite a bit in the past 24 hours, and rather than resting on my laurels, I intend to keep up the momentum and work some more this evening in my room. Before that, though, it is a gorgeous day with temps that should get into the mid 50s, so this afternoon I am putting off the dying of Easter eggs with the munchkins so we can enjoy the weather outside. After all, it would be a shame to waste such a pretty day, since we may get freezing rain on Thursday...

today's project: soaking up the sun

musing about: whether to have an Easter egg decorating get together

Twitter away!

Iron Man - 2003-04-14 12:22:11
Remember always to lift weights before you do cardio!

flutter back - fly ahead

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