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April 09, 2003 - 11:32 a.m.


I took my first yoga class ever today, and now I am feeling quite mellow. I definitely worked some muscles, but I am used to feeling invigorated rather than relaxed after a workout. I could use the flexibility and balance training, so I am glad that I went. Yoga isn't something I would want to do on a daily basis, but I think I may incorporate it into my schedule once a week. At least until the summer, at which point the kids are around all day and I will be lucky to get any kind of workout in...

Today it is snowing yet again. It's in the mid-thirties, so it really isn't sticking (even to the snow left over from the other night), but it is truly depressing to look out the window at the snow falling and remember that it is APRIL!!!! Who knew all our April showers would be snowshowers!?

Between the post-yoga mellowness and the gross weather, I am feeling pretty lethargic. That's not a good thing, since B is having a friend from across the street over for lunch and a playdate. Maybe I will whip out the finger paint or playdough. That should keep the monkeys occupied in a way in which little active participation is required of me. :)

I want some sunshine! Is that so much to ask?

today's project: fighting snowy day blahs

musing about: best ways to keep two four year-olds occupied without injuring each other

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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