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April 10, 2003 - 9:14 p.m.


Very little to write about today. B was home sick today, so we got to inhale fumes from the adhesives the workers were using to adhere the granite backsplash to the wall. Ick. It was a pretty boring day. He was feeling better in the afternoon so we got to enjoy the first sun we've had in 10 days. It was even in the 50s. Woohoo!

We're having another game night at my brother's place tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to it, since with all the traveling and stuff I have been doing lately, I haven't seen much of my friends. I'm not sure what else I will do this weekend. I need to clean my room badly. I also want to see if the climbing wall at REI will be open. I have been wanting to do some climbing lately.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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