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April 01, 2003 - 7:58 p.m.

The Charmings

As I decided on the title of this entry, I remembered the TV show of the same name from the late 80s or early 90s. Does anyone else remember it? It was a sitcom about Cinderella and Prince Charming living with their children in a modern day suburb. As I recall, it wasn't very good, but I remain amused about the concept.

The kids have been almost universally charming lately. I am enjoying the good behavior, but waiting for the other shoe to drop. B has seemingly mastered bodily waste disposal. H is actually asking to practice piano (probably due in large part to the fact that she has progressed to the point that what she is playing is actually music even if it is fairly simple). M's thumb sucking has almost disappeared. They have all been very affectionate and happily eating their fruits and veggies. There have still been occasional lapses in their behavior - a push or bit of backtalk here, insults or dawdling there - but for the most part they have been a joy to be around.

It's times like these that I remember what great kids they really are. They are all sweet, smart, funny, polite, adorable kids. I am really lucky to be working with them. I occasionally lose sight of it, because kids reserve their worst behavior for their caretakers (worst of all for their parents). Outside of the home they are especially charming. B, who is ultra-comptetive at home, will beautifully compliment another child's drawing or building. M, who nearly always follows H or B's lead, is great at taking younger kids at her preschool under her wing and helping them with their work. H, who can be the ultimate diva, quietly helped other kids make it across the monkey bars at the playground. They may drive me up a wall when we're trying to get out the door in the morning, but in the clutch they do me proud! :)

today's project: went to the gym - go me!

musing about: whether to eat the rest of the angel food cake for dessert

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