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March 29, 2003 - 9:05 p.m.

Movie Time!

So far this weekend, I have seen two movies, both in the theater, and I may see another tomorrow. I guess I am making up for the fact that before this weekend I think I had seen one movie in the past two months.

Last night, I went to see Bowling for Columbine with a couple friends. I have very mixed emotions about the film. I liked that it pointed out that many of the explanantions for America's high rate of gun violence don't hold up. Many countries have violent histories, lots of hunters, exposure to violent movies and video games, and still don't have anywhere near as many gun-related deaths. I disagree that welfare to work programs are a big part of the gun problem. I like that the movie pointed out that ammunition is too cheap and too easy to get. I hate Michael Moore's guerilla movie making tactics. He has a Jerry Springer style of confrontationalism that I feel is incongruous with the seriousness of his subject matter. So, I think the movie is well worth seeing, and it definitely made me think through my position on gun control more, but I am not sure I would say that I liked it.

Today I finally went to see Chicago. It was such an excellent movie. I had never seen the musical on stage, but I think it is the best movie version of a musical that I have ever seen. I loved every bit of it from costumes to cinematography. I was pleasantly surprised with the singing and dancing, and even Richard Gere (who I dislike) did a remarkable job. It definitely made me want to be in a musical even more than ever (if that is possible). I think my desire to get back on the stage is tied to my normal tendency to be somewhat shy (especially when it comes to my musical talents). Somewhere, hiding deep inside me, is an uninhibited performer, and acting gives me the chance to not only let loose but to exhibit personality traits that I don't actually have. It's been a long time since I have gotten to experience that rush of trying on someone else's actions, mannerisms, etc. And I miss it. And musicals tend to be silly, exuberant, extravagant, and so on, which makes them even more fun. Sadly, there aren't any good auditions coming up (probably because most theaters have a bit of a lull in the summer), so I will likely have to wait until the fall to even try out for a musical again. Sigh.

Tomorrow I am finally taking H out for her birthday outing. We are going to the local pottery painting and craft studio. She'll probably pick an animal figurine to paint. I think I may do a plate. We'll see what I am in the mood for.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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