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March 18, 2003 - 1:35 p.m.

Thoughts on War

For a fairly liberal person, I have found myself surprisingly supportive of the government's approach to Iraq. I certainly don't want the U.S. to get involved in a war. On the other hand, I feel that the U.N. efforts at a peaceful resolution have had minimal results. What's the point to coming up with new resolutions? It seems like they are nothing more than a way to save face while Hussein complies at best with the letter of the U.N.'s dictates but not the spirit. Sure he's agreed to get rid of some missiles and has allowed inspections and some interviews. But it seems naive to me to think his compliance is anything other than manipulative.

At the same time, I think it is highly unfortunate that we have so little support internationally for military action. That's probably just what Saddam was hoping for. I don't think it would be right to continue to let him play the system and get away with it. I think few people doubt he has violated the human rights of the Iraqui people and that they would be better off without him. I think it is a shame that our troops have to intercede, but I think someone had to draw the line somewhere. In a way, I admire the administration's courage to intervene when other countries would not.

I think the argument that Bush is only interested in going to war to improve his image or distract people from domestic issues is silly. I don't like Bush much at all, but he must be aware that military intervention is not a popular solution; with much of the population he is losing face by endorsing war. I also think that the administration has information that they cannot and will not share with us. It is entirely feasible that if they could share the information more people would be in favor of some use of force. There's no way of knowing, but I certainly hope it is the case.

I am a little nervous about traveling, but I refuse to live in fear. Statistically speaking, the chances of anything happening to me are slim, so I am going to shelve my fears and have fun on my trip. Interestingly, the last time I traveled abroad was during the conflict in Kosovo. I witnessed some anti-American demonstrations, but nobody had any problems with individual Americans. Europeans, on the whole, seem to recognize, in a way that Americans often fail to, that it is ridiculous to enact your disagreement with a particular government on its average citizens. So I am not concerned about people in Italy accosting us or anything because we are American.

Work in the kitchen continues. We couldn't eat breakfast in there today, so I let the kids have a "breakfast picnic" on a blanket on the family room floor. They loved it! :) I picked all the kids up at lunch time and had a harried hour at home having lunch, packing backpacks, helping them change into warm weather clothes, and trying to keep B from pestering the builder to death. They are on their way to Disney World now, and I have an afternoon and evening of peace and quiet (well, except for the sawing and hammering in the kitchen above my head) ahead of me. Yay. :)

today's project: finish packing and final errands

musing about: what the coming war will bring

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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