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March 17, 2003 - 10:22 a.m.

Me, A Social Butterfly?

Yes, over the weekend I metamorphosed from my usual, quiet caterpillar self into an all-out social butterfly! I suspect the transformation is purely temporary. It was fun, but I was very tired by the end of the weekend.

I ate out 6 times (though two of those times were just sandwich places and I was by myself) from Friday to Sunday! Yikes. Friday I had very yummy Indian with my brother to discuss final preparations for Venice (leaving in just over 48 hours!). On Saturday I went to the zoo and then did some shopping. The zoo was pretty quiet and some of the exhibits were closed. Still it was fun to watch the penguins swimming about, the giraffes munching on their hay, and the elephants mucking about in the mud.

Saturday night I got together with two of my nanny friends for dinner and a movie. We saw Gerry, which was a disaster. It is, quite possibly the slowest movie ever! The scenery is pretty, but the pleasure of that only lasted so long. It was truly terrible. Don't go see it unless you need a sleep aid.

Sunday I went to church then headed into town to meet some friends on Newbury St (the chi-chi shopping street in Boston). We had lunch and then wandered around mostly window shopping. Later I met up with some other friends for dinner at the ultra-cheesy Rainforest Cafe. The food was delicious, but the setting was a bit much. :)

So, a busy weekend. Luckily this is a very shor t week for me. The family leaves for Disney World tomorrow afternoon, so I will have plenty of time to pack before leaving for Italy on Wednesday. The new countertops, sink, etc are being installed in the kitchen this week, so even though I don't have to work much this week it promises to be fairly stressful.

Today I had thought about making Irish soda bread with teh kids in honor of St. Patrick's Day. That plan was disrupted, of course, by the destruction in the kitchen, as well as needing to take H to the dentist to have a wire in her braces fixed then taking all the kids to get haircuts.

Before I pick up B from school, I am going to check in on the progress in the kitchen. If it's already a big mess up there, I think I will take B to Friendly's for lunch. Good excuse, huh?

today's project: staying out of the builders' way

musing about: how to make this gorgeous weather last forever

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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