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March 19, 2003 - 8:05 a.m.


I am all packed for Venice, except for my laptop and the European outlet adapter which I have to pick up at Radio Shack this morning. I am starting to get excited. In less than a day I will be strolling alongside canals, looking at paintings and frescoes by Titian, Bellini, and Veronese, and resting in small cafes.

In addition to anticipating Venice, I am looking forward to spring. The past two days have been sunny and warm. Much of the snow has melted, and I am eagerly awaiting the appearance of the crocuses in my little garden.

Of course, I am also anticipating my visit with Sam in Virginia. I am curious how we will react to seeing each other after four months as uneasy friends with loads of baggage. I am increasingly eager to see him, though. That's the necessary first step, and we'll jsut have to see how things go from there.

I found a poem, by Christina Rossetti, that expresses a lot of my emotions as Spring approaches:

The First Spring Day

I wonder if the sap is stirring yet,
If wintry birds are dreaming of a mate,
If frozen snowdrops feel as yet the sun
And crocus fires are kindling one by one:
Sing, robin, sing;
I still am sore in doubt concerning Spring

I wonder if the Springtide of this year
Will bring another Spring both lost and dear;
If heart and spirit will find out their Spring,
Or if the world alone will bud and sing:
Sing, hope, to me,
Sweet notes, my hope, soft notes for memory.

The sap will surely quicken soon or late,
The tardiest bird will twitter to a mate;
So Spring must dawn again with warmth and bloom,
Or in this world, or in the world to come:
Sing, voice of Spring,
Till I too blossom and rejoice and sing.

today's project: getting to the airport with all necessary documents

musing about: what to do first in Venice

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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