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March 14, 2003 - 12:03 p.m.

Seek And Ye Shall Find

Just a short little entry to express my combined amusement and dismay. Over the past few days, several yahoo and google searches have led people to my diary. The amusing and/or dismaying part is that each and every one of the searches related to pooping! One search was even "pooping in his pants"... Either there are some scary feces fetishes out there, or the family I work for isn't the only dealing with misplaced bowel movements, which is vaguely reassuring. Still, it's a dubious honor to have my site found in such a dismal manner. Especially since, these poor afflicted people were probably looking for solutions and they certainly aren't going to get any here!

That said, B hasn't had an accident in two days. (I am knocking on wood as I type) Dare I hope? Even if he is making progress, the family's upcoming trip to Disney will probably disrupt his routine just enough to cause another set-back. See, this situation is turning me into a pessimist even! :)

today's project: Did I really say I was going to the gym? I really don't want to go!

musing about: what to order when I go out for Indian tonight :)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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