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March 11, 2003 - 8:45 p.m.

More Questions

I think I was hoping that the meeting about volunteering at the hospital would answer all my questions about what steps to take toward a future career. Instead, it only created more questions. The woman I met with was perfectly nice but very intense. Something about the way she spoke or looked at me made it feel like she was interrogating me. It felt like a very difficult job interview when all we were talking about is a few hours a week of basically being a gopher!

It also looks like this hospital would not really give me the experience I am looking for. They don't even have a dedicated pediatric floor. They do have a Child Life Specialist, but she already works with an intern, so I wouldn't be able to volunteer with her. I am currently scheduled to attend an orientation next week and then volunteer two mornings a week, mostly transporting patients from one part of the hospital to another in hopes that eventually a spot might open up enabling me to work with the Child Life Specialist or someone else on the Pediatric Intervention Team. Seems like a long shot to me. I think my time would be better spent elsewhere, so I am going to see if I can't find another hospital with more options. I picked this one because it is very nearby and would be convenient on mornings while the kids are in school.

On Fridays, though, since I rarely work, I could travel further and spend several hours volunteering. I think I might discuss this possibility with my boss and see what she thinks. I looked around on the net today and found the phone number for the volunteer department at Children's Hospital Boston. Volunteering there would be perfect, so I think I will pursue that rather than the local hospital. Any thoughts?

Had a blast with the kids today. We put on some music and danced and I blew up some balloons which we fooled around with as well. The kids used them as pretend microphones (B used his as a guitar), tried to keep them from touching the ground, produced enough static electricity to power a small car, and had silly races (such as seeing who could blow their balloon along the floor and across the finish line first). It was a really fun part of my day. It's times like those that make my job worth, dare I say it, every tantrum, poop accident, and all the nagging. :)

today's project: in house dance party

musing about: pursuing a career

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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