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March 10, 2003 - 1:58 p.m.

Community Service Day

Aaaargh! This morning I glanced at the piece of paper on which I jotted down the information for my appointment with the volunteer coordinator and discovered I had written down March 11th. Hmmm. Now, I distinctly remember the receptionist telling me Monday, so I decided to stick with that memory rather than relying on what I had written. That may sound backwards, but I have a slight tendency to write numbers incorrectly (until we figured it out it caused me some problems with math in grade school - as it turned out I was solving the problems correctly on the paper, I had just copied down the wrong numbers which led to incorrect answers) so I figured I had inadvertently written 11 instead of 10. Alas, I got to the hospital and discovered that my appointment is indeed for tomorrow, the 11th. Luckily it's only about a ten minute drive from here, so it wasn't such a waste of time. I guess I should have called when I discovered the discrepancy between what I wrote and what I remembered. That will teach me!

This afternoon I plan to take the kids to the nearby humane society. We all like to visit the dogs and cats there and give them a little attention. I also think it is good to remind the kids of the responsibilities of owning a pet as well as the fact that not everyone is as lucky as they are. A shelter for homeless animals can be a jumping off point for a discussion of homeless people. I'd also like to find out if there is some way I can get the kids involved with helping the shelter - maybe by baking treats for the dogs or using some birthday money to buy toys for them or something. I feel strongly that the earlier you get kids involved in community service the better. Especially kids who are as sheltered and well-provided for as these!

Then after work tonight, I get to give blood. I haven't donated in a long time, so I am glad to get the chance. The drive is taking place at my gym, which is very convenient. Giving blood is really pretty easy for me. I always get a bit nervous anticipating the prick and then feel silly when I barely notice it. I tend to go pretty quickly, too, which the nurses always like. I just need to remember to eat a bit before I go, since I have been known to get a touch light-headed after having blood drawn.

So, I guess it is a day for me to give back to the community. It's a good reminder for me of how lucky I am to be healthy, have a home, have a job, etc. This year I have been easily bogged down in what I don't have, so I could definitely use a bit of that perspective.

today's project: visiting Buddy Dog Humane Society

musing about: ways to give back to the world

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