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February 09, 2003 - 8:17 p.m.

Busy Sunday

I spent most of today at the Secret Garden auditions. They took forever because everyone had to sing, read a monologue, dance, and read a scene or two. I think I sang well - did "I Dreamed a Dream" again. The dancing was a piece of cake, as it was basically just a waltz. My monologue went pretty well, and I think I did a good job in the scene I read as well. One of the roles I was auditioning for requires a Yorkshire accent, so I tried to do that a bit in the scene. It's a tough accent, and I think I did a respectable job. So, now I wait again. Callbacks are Thursday, but like at the other auditions they stressed that you needn't be called back to get cast. The final cast list will be announced Saturday and left on the theater's answering machine. That works well for me, since I will be flying to Miami on Friday, so I won't need to worry about missing a call. I guess I will just call before getting on the cruise ship on Saturday. It'll be nice to have a definite time and an active role in finding out whether I am cast. I won't feel the need to sit by the phone this time. :) And if I don't get a part, I will have my vacation right away to cheer me up.

After auditions, I went shopping. I got some awesome stuff. I got a really cute blue toile skirt to bring on my trip. It's very comfy and looks cute on me, unlike most short skirts. I went into Macy's and decided to look through the clearance rack in their formalwear department. I sort of needed a second formal outfit for the cruise, since there are two nights where attire for dinner is formal. I could get away with the one I have by either wearing it twice or just going a bit less formal one of the nights, but I figured if I found something I liked that wasn't expensive I'd get it. I ended up buying a _gorgeous_ Jessica McClintock gown. It is strapless and mostly black, but the front is really unique. Instead of being one fabric, it is made of blocks of differnent ones. They all have a black satin background, but have different embroidered patterns on them in the same shades of muted robin's egg blue and gold. The effect is really sleek and elegant but with a whimsical touch. And at 50% off it was quite affordable. Yay! I like shopping when I find pretty things that fit and are bargains!

I can't believe that in 5 days I will be in Miami, and in 6 I will be cruising on the Atlantic!

today's project: unwinding after a nervous afternoon

musing about: whether my best will be good enough this time

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005