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February 08, 2003 - 10:05 p.m.


I agreed to babysit for the bosses this evening. I figure it's the least I can do given that they are allowing me to have a week and a half of vacation in the next two months! Granted the time-off wasn't my idea, but I still get paid, and get to go where it's warm!

Anyway, the kids are finally all tucked into bed. It was, as usual, a pretty easy night of babysitting. The kids mostly entertained themselves until dinner time. Then I brought up Percy, my hedgehog. The kids love getting to watch him run around and petting his back and holding him. The dog (who has to be in his crate when I bring Percy out) is not as amused. I'm not sure whether he is jealous of the attention Percy gets or if it's just his instinct to chase after something small and round, but he sits there and alternately whines and barks. Oddly, Percy usually seems unfazed by the racket.

Now that all is quiet in the house I am at my leisure to get nervous about tomorrow's audition. I only have to prepare one song this time, which is nice, but I also have to do a monologue. I'm a lot more nervous about that than the singing. I really want to nail this audition since I would be thrilled to be in The Secret Garden, but I am trying not to get my hopes up too much. Tomorrow is the first audition time. There will be more auditions on Tuesday and callbacks are Thursday. I am leaving for Miami Friday afternoon, so I guess I should give them my cell phone number in case they call me after I leave. Maybe I should also dig out the owner's manual for my answering machine and figure out how to check message remotely.

Between waiting to hear about the play and making sure I have everything I need for the cruise, I have a feeling I will be kind of high strung next week. Hopefully all news will be good. If not, I will have the opportunity to drown my disappointment in tropical drinks and clear, Caribbean waters!

today's project: pink rice krispy treats in honor of Valentine's Day

musing about: how to channel my inner diva

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-02-08 21:31:48
Break a leg in your audition! I know you'll do great. :)

flutter back - fly ahead

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