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February 07, 2003 - 12:53 p.m.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

... as long as it stops by late afternoon! It's been snowing for hours, and it is really piling up. I'd say we've gotten 4-5 inches so a far and we're slated for about 7.

I just came home from the gym (did a long workout today - 1 hour step class with weights followed by abs and stretch class - since I took yesterday off). The main roads are starting to get a little messy. I am not sure whether that's because the plows can't keep up (it doesn't seem to be snowing that hard) or whether they are just waiting for it to let up a bit. The side roads are pretty bad. My neighborhood is pretty hilly, so that makes it particularly nasty. On the way home I passed on accident and a school bus that couldn't make it up a hill. The minivan in front of my had some trouble on the biggest hill as well, so I was very glad to have 4 wheel drive! Even so the tires did a bit of skidding.

The snow is supposed to let up as the afternoon goes on, and I really hope it does, because I am supposed to go out tonight. I am headed to my big brother's place along with some friends to play cards and board games and stuff. I haven't been terribly social lately, so it will be nice to have some quality friend time.

today's project: game night

musing about: where have all the plowers gone?

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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