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February 06, 2003 - 2:09 p.m.

Once Upon a Time...

Thought I would share with all of you a little story H wrote the other day. I have no idea where she got the idea, but it obviously has just a bit of the Sorcerer's Apprentice in it. I will correct her spelling, because otherwise it will take me forever to type it, but aside from that I will leave it exactly as written.

The Pencil Invasion!!!!!!!!!!!!

by H.L.

One day pencils invaded the world!! They had an evil sorcerer on their side, no one could get any where without being poked by a pencil! Everyone to go outside must have a... _emergency pencil button_! The government gave orders that if there was an emergency with the pencils people would have to press the emergency pencil button and some soldiers would come with their swords and break the pencils to pieces. But when this happened the sorcerer got very angry because his pencils were being killed. So he cast a spell on everyone except one, the smartest boy in town. So the boy went to the sorcerer with his own magic wand. He pointed it at the sorcerer and said... "You're a baby. Wah! Wah! Wah!" Then suddenly the sorcerer turned into a baby! The boy pointed again at the sorcerer and said... "Don't grow up! Don't grow up! I don't want you to grow up!" And the sorcere was a baby for the rest of his life. We don't know what happened to the pencils but they disappeared and the boy broke the spell.

The End

today's project: gymnastics and keeping B entertained

musing about: enchanted pencils

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