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February 05, 2003 - 8:01 p.m.

Lucky Me!

Yesterday was even busier for the diary according to my stats tracker. Makes me wish I had something more profound to say today. :)

It was a good day. B, the youngest, has been getting more and more affectionate toward me lately. I guess after almost 2 years as his nanny he's finally warming up to me. :) The girls have always been prone to giving me lots of hugs and kisses, but not their brother. Lately, he has taken to running up and giving me big hugs when I pick him up at school and telling me he loves me and that I am the best nanny. It always brightens my day when one of the kids expresses appreciation for me unprompted.

H, the oldest, had a half day of school today, and actually agreed to do some homework with me to get it out of the way. That left us time for them to start making Valentines and do a project I had been saving. I had made a bunch of ice cubes colored with food coloring. I read in a book or magazine that you can make a sort of structure with ice cubes. You brush them with water which, supposedly, freezes between the surfaces joining the cubes together. The process was far from perfect - it was much harder than anticipated to get the cubes to stick together - but the kids enjoyed it. I think the challenge made them that much more excited when they did manage to attach things. I suspect it would have worked better with actual _cubes_ of ice. The rounded edges from the ice cube trays made things more difficult.

The big surprise of the day is that I may get to go to Venice in March! My older brother plays Magic competitively and just recently qualified for the Pro Tour. Until this happened I didn't know how good he is at the game or that a Pro Tour for Magic even existed. Anyway, there's a comptetion in Venice next month, conveniently scheduled for the same long weekend the Lynches will be spending at Disney World. So, he invited me to come with him to Venice, his treat! I still can't quite wrap my brain around the possibility of going. It would only be for 3 or 4 days, but that's fine with me! I might get to actually ride in a Gondola, see the famous Venetian glassblowers, and steep myself in art and history. It's not definite yet, since my brother isn't even certain he's going to go, but I hope it pans out. Once I get an idea in my head I have trouble containing my excitement. It'll be disappointing if such a fantastic opportunity fails to be realized.

Between the cruise (just 9 days left!) and this new possible trip, I am getting very spoiled. I better not get to used to this kind of travel, because even with my cushy job, I can't afford it!

today's project: ice sculptures

musing about: where all this good karma came from?

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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