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February 04, 2003 - 1:24 p.m.

In Good Health

Random aside: the clock on this computer refuses to stay set and it is annoying me, since anytime I post an entry from it I have to fix the time.

Weather report: It has finally warmed up here. This weekend temps were above freezing during the day, and we got several more inches of wet snow. Yesterday and today it has been in the 40s. Nice except that it is currently raining and with all the snow banks rain just piles up in streets and parking lots. I may have to wear my waterproof boots the rest of the day.

Last night when I went downstairs after work I had message on my machine from my doctor's office. I apparently had scheduled a physical for today, which I had completely forgotten. I had intended to do a fairly long workout at the gym today so I almost cancelled, but decided that was rude. So, I just ran on the treadmill for half an hour before the appointment. I am proud of myself for going despite the time crunch, but the scale verified my need to be working out as often as possible.

Anyway, I appear to be in pretty good health. My blood pressure was 102/66, "nice and low" as the nurse practitioner put it. According to the scale at the doctor's I weigh about 2 pounds more than at the gym (but I was fully clothed) and about 5 more than I was hoping to be. So, no dessert for me for a while.

The doctor went over the usual medical history stuff, because she is just filling in while my actual doctor is on maternity leave. I definitely hesitated when she asked it I am seeing anyone. I guess I still have trouble thinking of myself as single, or maybe I am just not used to declaring it. At any rate, it made me sad to say that I am not seeing anyone. She reminded me to keep up with my dermatologist appointments (I am covered in moles so yearly skin checks are recommended), opthamologist visits, etc. She also recommended I keep pretty close track of my calcium intake and maybe start taking a multi-vitamin. Next year I will probably need a tetanus booster - joy.

They also drew blood to check cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. The NP was so good I barely felt a prick. Luckily I had eaten a good breakfast, because I have been known to get pretty woozy if I haven't eaten before giving up even smallish amounts of blood.

So, all is well here. H's skiing lesson is cancelled today due to the rain. That's nice for me, because I was going to need to stay late today until she and her mom got back from it, since the dad has to work late. It would be nice if S left work when she would have to take H skiing. Then I would be done early, but I suspect she'll just come home at the normal time. That's entirely fair, of course, since they pay me to be here until 6:30. Guess I am just greedy or something. :)

I played Rescue Heroes with B today after lunch, which was pretty amusing. I don't do that sort of thing with him very often. I get bored pretty quickly, but today we only had about 15 minutes to play before his nap, so we had fun. Part of the time he was using the Rescue Heroes' dog, Smokey, who he had making pancakes for the Heroes played by me. B likes ketchup on his pancakes, so that's what Smokey was going to make, but I had the various characters request other odd condiments like mustard or applesauce for theirs. He seemed to get a kick out of that. Kids are weird. :)

today's project: pretending and probably fort building with couch cushions

musing about: how painful it will be to watch American Idol tonight

Twitter away!

Renee - 2003-02-04 16:44:16
You are missed.

flutter back - fly ahead

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