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January 25, 2003 - 4:20 p.m.

Minor and Major Excitement

The major excitement is that I have figured out where I am going while the family I work for is in the Bahamas. I am going on a cruise, most likely Eastern Caribbean (Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, etc), with my mom! I asked her if she could take the time off (she runs a catering business), and it's a slow time for her right now, so she said yes! To some it may seem weird to be so excited about traveling with my mother, but for me it is really cool. My mom and I are pretty close, and we only get to see each other a couple of times a year, so it will be fun to spend some quality time with her. I think we will have a blast on a cruise together going to shows, dressing up for dinner, seeing the sights, etc. Plus, she works really hard and has some health issues, so she deserves a really nice vacation. What's the point of making the money I make if I only use it to make myself happy? She's never been anywhere outside the continental US, so I am psyched to take her someplace more exotic. And cruises are quite cheap right now, so I just need to find the right itinerary and book it! YAY!

The minor excitement is karaoke tonight. Yay! We're going to the same place we went for my birthday in September. It is, to all outward appearances, a bit of a dive, but we had lots of fun last time. They have a huge song collection (which is actually sort of a bad thing for me, aka Miss Indecisive). My friend Emily is threatening to sing I'm a Little Teapot and her twin and I offered to be her backup dancers, since it's hard to do the motions with a mike in your hand. :) I'll be sure to fill you all in on all the gory details tomorrow. Sadly, my good friend Torie won't be coming and will be sorely missed. We've been meaning to do karaoke together for years and have yet to actually do so. Pitiful.

The other intriguing, and somewhat nervewracking aspect of the evening, is that a guy is coming that a friend of mine wants me to meet. It's not a blind date, but our meeting has been purposely engineered. Being the type who nearly always aims to please, I will feel bad if I don't like him, which is silly. I am open to meeting new people, but anything other than an extremely casual occasional date or group get together seems highly unlikely. I am ridiculously nervous about the whole evening, but hopefully a drink or two will alleviate that. And there will be 8-10 people in our group, so there's absolutely no reason for it to be an awkward situation. I just need to relax. :) Easier said than done!

today's project: karaoke, karaoke, karaoke!

musing about: warm Caribbean breezes :)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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