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January 24, 2003 - 1:08 p.m.

Silly Me

It's amazing what I can get excited about! I am a happy camper today because sometime in the next couple days I am getting a new mattress. :) It's a little more complicated than it sounds, though, which at least partially explains my glee.

Since I am a live-in nanny, most of the furniture in my room actually belongs to the family I work for. This includes the bed. I knew almost as soon as I moved in that the mattress wasn't in good condition. Even flipping it over only made it slightly more comfortable. For months now, it has been interfering somewhat with my sleep, but being the type of person who hates asking for things (especially of a sort that only relate to my own personal comfort) I hesitated to bring the subject up with my boss. After loads of nights with much tossing and turning and shifting between the roughly body sized identations on either side of the bed, I got up the nerve.

Susan didn't seem fazed in the least when I told her the mattress was shot, which, of course, made me feel silly for putting it off so long. But it is their money that will be spent (at least a couple hundred dollars worth, in fact) and as goofy as it sounds, I feared I would seem selfish. On the contrary, Susan said the mattress was about 8 years old, and immediately set about arranging to have a new one delivered and the old one taken away. Probably by tomorrow evening, and Monday at the latest, I will have a much more comfy bed. Hooray! It will be interesting to see how ti affects my sleep. I am a pretty heavy sleeper, but for a while now I've been waking up much more during the night, and I suspect the crappy mattress is the primary culprit.

Dinner with some of my nanny friends last night was a lot of fun. They really bring out my more outgoing side, and I enjoy the goofy girl talk we engage in. It's a nice contrast to the goofy nerdy conversations I tend to have with my college friends. I like spending time with both groups, but they appeal to quite different aspects of my personality. With the nannies I talk about things like work stress, shopping, guys, etc. Convesations with my college friends are more likely to center around computer or role-playing games, books, politics, and such. People from both groups will be joining me to go to a karaoke bar tomorrow night, so it will be interesting to see how they interact.

today's project: very little, it's Friday after all

musing about: what to sing for karaoke tomorrow night

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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