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January 26, 2003 - 5:40 p.m.

Crooning and Cruising

Karaoke was a blast! I think I had even more fun than last time, and I didn't get nearly as intoxicated (despite consumption of three woowoos and a mudslide). I sang Son of a Preacher Man and Lucky - yes, I actually sang Britney Spears and I am admitting it. I had originally wanted to sing Dance Ten Looks Three, which is a really funny song from A Chorus Line, as my second song, but the disc was missing. With little time to select a replacement and I was getting, perhaps drunken, encouragement from the rest of the table. Lucky turned out to be not such a lucky choice, though. I didn't remember it all that well, so my timing was off in places, but it wasn't terrible. Son of a Preacher Man was much better. I also helped out a friend when she sang That Don't Impress Me Much by Shania Twain. Emily did, in fact, sing I'm a Little Teapot which caused much hilarity at our table but many perplexed looks in the rest of the bar. :) Our group was also responsible for renditions of the Weird Al favorites, You Don't Love Me Anymore and Amish Paradise. We had a really, really good time, and will most likely go back soon.

My friend Sadie and the guy I was supposed to be introduced to never showed. It figures, since I was nervous about it. I don't know if they couldn't find the place or if something came up. Hopefully nothing bad happened to them!

I booked the cruise for next month today also. I cannot wait! I'm a little nervous because Mom doesn't have a passport, so she needs an official copy of her birth certificate as proof of citizenship to board the ship. My dad could only find a regular photocopy of hers, so she'll have to request a copy from the state of Wisconsin or the hospital where she was born and pray she can get it before we leave. We have almost three weeks, so I don't think it'll be a big problem... I hope. Now, I just need to read up on our ports of call in my Cruise Vacations for Dummies book, work hard at the gym in the next couple weeks to look decent in my bathing suit, and stock up on sunblock and reading material.

While researching cruises on the computer, I had a dog show on Animal Planet on the TV. I really want a dog! The family I work for has a black Lab, but he's really not my kind of dog. I want something either smaller, calmer, or more trainable, like a beagle or golden retriever. My parents just adopted an Australian Shepherd. I am very jealous, because she sounds like a great dog. Not having a house of my own, though, my dog dreams are put off indefinitely. *sigh*

today's project: eating pizza and watching Super Bowl commercials

musing about: whether anyone will leave the Super Bowl with a peg leg

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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