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January 13, 2003 - 11:12 a.m.

Put me out of my misery!


No word about the musical yet. I didn't get called about callbacks, but that didn't worry me, since they siad you might get a role even if you weren't asked to come for callbacks. They were esterday at 4. On the audition info sheet it said they would contact everyone who auditioned and let them know about casting "as soon as possible" after callbacks. Silly me, I thought they could have callbacks, meet to make final decisions, then call people sometime last night. Either that was asking too much, or they called the people who will be in the cast and decided to be cruel to the rest of us and leave us hanging. I even stayed off my modem yesterday for fear they might try to call and get a busy signal.

I hate waiting... especially in this sort of situation, because the more time passes, the less confident I become. Whereas, Saturday after the audition I was confident of a chorus part and hopeful of something larger, now I am simply praying for the chorus. Don't these people understand they are torturing me! And I am becoming obsessive-compulsive too. Everytime time I leave my room or the house, as soon as I return I check to see if there are messages on my answering machine. I keep picking up the phone and making sure there is a dial tone. Ugh, I am so antsy!

Be assured I will spread the news as soon as it reaches me. In the meantime, I'll just sit and stew.

today's project: getting B's hair cut and staving off the kids' post-weekend crankiness

musing about: how cruel theater people can be

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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