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January 11, 2003 - 7:49 p.m.

Oh Happy Day!

Today made me happy! Since I spend so much time using this diary as an outlet for my whining, I thought it would only be fair to share my giddiness as well. :)

The audition went just about as well as I could possibly have hoped. I was worried that I would mess up my songs when trying to do them with accompaniment (see, I don't play piano, so I had to mentally sight read the piano part to get a sense of entrances and interludes and all), but it actually made it easier. I was able, despite my nervousness, to just get into the spirit of the music and lyrics and really belt out the songs and even add a little bit of gesture and facial expression (no idea whether or not I looked ridiculous). I thought I sounded pretty good. I actually surprised myself, since I never have a chance to just let go and sing my heart out - I am usually too inhibited - I was pleased with how full and strong my voice came out. Then, when I sat back down (literally shaking with relief and residual nerves), the woman next to me asked if I take voice lessons and seemed shocked that I don't. I think that was a pretty good sign.

I was not the best singer there, but I think i was better than several, so I think I have a very good chance of getting in. Question is, do I have a decent chance of getting a speaking/solo part. I've never had more than a few lines in a musical (I had a major part in a drama in college), and I have never really had a solo singing part. It would be SO cool to feel that I am talented enough to have my singing showcased! But I will be quite content with a part in the chorus! Despite being very nervous, it was fun to be back on stage - my shyness just disappears once I am in stagelight. I think it has to do with the fact that I cannot really see the audience so I can't gauge their reaction in the moment - that really frees me to express myself and be much more energetic and expressive than I am in other contexts.

The audition also included reading from the script and learning a short dance sequence. Oddly, since these aren't my selling points, I was less worried about them. The reading went pretty well, I didn't stumble over any words, and I think I emoted appropriately for the scene. The dancing (or movement as the director called it, since there is not much serious dancing in the show) didn't go quite as well as I would have liked. The routine was not hard at all, but it didn't flow very well, so it was hard to remember. I am not a great dancer, but I pride myself on being able to pick up sequences of steps pretty well. The fact that this one gave me such trouble really frustrated me, which only made matters worse. In the end, I think I did as well or better than any of the other women at this audition (there are two other audition times), so I can't complain too much.

Now I just have to wait. Callbacks are tomorrow at 4, but they went to great pains to assure us that even if we weren't called to come back tomorrow afternoon, we might be cast. They said they would let people know as soon as possible after callbacks about casting decisions. So, I may get a call early tomorrow afternoon for callbacks, and if not, I should hear tomorrow evening for sure whether I get to be in a play again!

The people were so nice, and it was so much fun to sing and act again that I really hope I get in. If not, though, I know of a few other auditions in my area over the next few weeks. Today's audition was painless enough that I am determined to keep trying if this show doesn't work out.

I rewarded myself with some scrumptious sorbet after the audition. This evening I had dinner upstairs with the Lynches, which was really nice. The kids watched a video after dinner, which allowed me and R and S to have some nice grown-up conversation. They are really nice, fun people and I rarely get time to just talk to them, since I am usually fed up with their kids at the end of the day and just want to run to my room for some peace and quiet! I also had a couple glasses of wine, which accounts for the amount of backspacing I have had to do to correct typos while writing this entry. :) I apologize for any that my tipsy brain missed!

Good night, all!

today's project: self-adulation for an audition well done

musing about: being in the limelight

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-01-11 20:55:35
I'm glad the audition went so well! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow--let me know as soon as you find out how things went! :)

flutter back - fly ahead

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