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January 11, 2003 - 9:00 a.m.

Wish me luck....

The audition is today at 1PM. I am only a tiny bit nervous, so far, but I am sure that by the time I get there, I will be practically quaking. I just hope my voice doesn't shake too much when I have to sing. Sometimes when I am really nervous, I have the vibrato of a crappy opera diva!

I've decided to sing (or be prepared to sing, since they may only ask me to sing one) I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis and Wouldn't it be Loverly from My Fair Lady. The search for digital sheet music online didn't pan out, partly due to poor selection, and partly due to having technical difficulties with downloading necessary plugins and such. So, yesterday, I went to Barnes and Noble and finally settled on a book of music that had some of the songs I was looking for and lots of others.

Today before the audition, I need to run through the songs from the sheet music a couple times, since there are slight variations from the recordings with which I am familiar. I also have to take a long shower and drink a pot of tea with honey and lemon. No, those are not normal pre-audition rituals for me, but yesterday my allergies were really flaring up, and I am still not back to normal today. My sinuses are very congested and my throat is dry and scratchy - not the best conditions for singing - so I need to do everything I can to alleviate those symptoms before this afternoon. Very inconvenient timing, of course. I really wish i knew what triggered these flare-ups. They happen every month or so, sometimes even when I am taking prescription medication for my allergies. When I was tested for allergies it revealed I am allergic to various pollens, grasses, dust, and mold. Since these attacks occur in any season and seemingly regardless of how much I have been outdoors, I haven't been able to figure out what is causing them. Argh. So for a day or two at a time I just have to deal with the runny nose, scratchy throat, watery eyes, sneezing, and sinus pain. Bleh.

At least if I don't get cast in the play, I have my allergies as an excuse. :)

today's project: Fiorello auditions

musing about: what the competition will be like

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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