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January 13, 2003 - 2:12 p.m.

If at first you don't succeed...

I didn't get in. I am certainly disappointed (and, frankly, a bit shocked), but I am not too bummed about it. Maybe I look a little too young to fit well in the cast, maybe the people at the other two auditions were phenomenal, maybe they gave preference to folks who had been in their productions before. Who knows.

I have already checked out the website where found out about these auditions for more upcoming possibilities. Since I will be out of town this weekend, I can't try out for the production of Godspell that's listed, but 1776 and Chicago are possibilities. I am a little worried about each audition, but for different reasons. 1776 has a small ensemble cast (no chorus) with only two female roles - on the other hand, it is a less well known group that is putting on the show, so I might be in better standing. For Chicago, it is likely to be a bit of a challenge on the dance end of things. They are having a pre-audition dance workshop, though, so maybe I can go to that to get a sense of whether or not I'd be in over my head. I think I will also try to see the movie version of Chicago this week so I can get a better sense of the show in general. I really don't want to give up on the idea of getting back into theater, I just wish there was a production I would be more suited for. *sigh*

That's all for now.

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