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January 04, 2003 - 12:08 p.m.

Sweet Dreams

The snowstorm churned out losts of white stuff throughout the night. We got something around 10 inches, though not far from here there is as much as 18. Here's a look at our yard.

Pretty, huh? What's even prettier is that _I_ didn't have to dig out my car! When I went out to take the photos, I discovered it had already been cleared off and even moved so that the driveway could be fully plowed. Usually the guy just plows around the cars in the driveway. Sweet! I definitely owe Rich for that one!

While the snow was blustering about outside last night, a strange dream was floating about in my little sleeping head. I don't remember all the details, but I will describe what I can. I was in college and single. First I remember hanging out with a good male friend, and it turned into a kissing session. As is often the case in my dreams, my dream self recognized this guy as a good friend, but my conscious mind has no idea who he is, so I am not secretly lusting after one of my actual friends. :) But it gets better! After some intervening mundane events that I do not recall, I ended up hanging out with Noah Wyle, well really his ER alter ego, John Carter, and making out with him. He was acting all insecure and wondering why I would be interested in him (uh, maybe because you're totally hot!) and I explained that I admired how he is a talented doctor who really cares... The only other part I remember is talking to some female friend about the whole making out with two guys in the span of a few hours and how I was going to ditch the first guy without hurting his feelings now that the Noah/John guy was in the picture!

May not sound that exciting, but it is SO not typical for me! First of all, that's about as racy as my dreams EVER get, and I can only remember about 3 other similar dreams I've ever had. Plus, TWO GUYS in ONE DAY!?!? See, I am a flirt, but the thought of acting on even one flirtation is dauting to me, much less two! And I knew I thought Noah Wyle was cute, but I had no idea how deeply his adorable face had penetrated my subconscious. To my knowledge I have never dreamed about a celebrity. Crazy. :) Maybe my subconscious mind is more optimistic about being single than my conscious mind! Unfortunately Noah is married. *sigh* Anyone know any single look-alikes? :)

today's project: packing up the Christmas decorations

musing about: smooching Noah... mmmm :)

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